
Tension Monitor

Tension Monitor Components

The tension monitoring service (TMS) consists of the following components:

  • a scheduled query service that periodically queries the current output from SENSY digital load cells connected via serial interface to Sonardyne C6 compatts.
  • a SMART binary file processing services which processes SMART binary output files when the files are received from the Sonardyne SMART Monitor application,
  • a real-time motion service which reads real-time motion data from a UDP data stream,


Static configuration of the Tension Monitor system is performed by editing the appsettings.json file located in the installation directory.

The format of the relevant portion of this file is shown below with a description of each item following.

   "ConnectionString": {
     "TensionMonitorDB": "Server=.\\SQLExpress;Database=TensionMonitor_V1;Trusted_Connection=True;ConnectRetryCount=0"
  "TensionMonitorOptions": {
     "SerialPortOptions": {
       "PortName": "COM200",
       "BaudRate": 9600,
       "NewLineFormat": "CR"
     "LoadCellOptions": {
       "PowerOnQueryThresholdSec": 180,
       "PowerOnWaitTimeSec": 1,
"PowerOnDurationSec": null,

       "RelayOptions": {
       "ReceiveWaitTimeSec": 10,
"TelemetryScheme" : 7

     "RetryOptions": {
"CommandTimeoutSec": 60,

       "MinimumQueryIntervalSec": 60,
       "NumberOfRetries": 2
"MdftOptions": {
"ModemReset": 3

   "MotionSensorOptions": {
   "UdpReceivePort": 8640
   "UploadToBox": false,
   "BoxFolderId": "109379522056",
   "BoxUploadCronExpression": "*/15 * * * *",
   "WorkingDir": "C:\\TensionMonitor",
   "SmartInputDir": "C:\\TensionMonitor\\Smart"


ConnectionString.TensionMonitorDB: The TMS records all data to a SQL datatabase. This is the SQL Server connection string required to connect to the tension monitoring database.

TensionMonitorOptions.SerialPortOptions.PortName: The name of the serial port used to communicate with the Sonardyne Transceiver.

TensionMonitorOptions.SerialPortOptions.BaudRate: The serial port baud rate used to communicate with the Sonardyne Transceiver.

TensionMonitorOptions.SerialPortOptions.NewLineFormat: The message new-line termination string to append to each Sonardyne commnad. Options are 'CRLF', 'CR' and 'LF'.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.PowerOnQueryThresholdSec: The load cell query scheduler will optionally set the compatt's external power enabled and set to 12 V regulated if the query threshold for a load cell is greater than or equal to this value in seconds. If the query time for the load cell is less than this value, the load cell is ASSUMED to be continually powered using a external command to enable the compatt external power.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.PowerOnWaitTimeSec: The number of seconds to wait AFTER enabling the external compatt power before reading the load-cell output value.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.PowerOnDurationSec: If set to a value other than 'null', this value is set as the PTIM parameter when enabling external power on the compatt. This is the duration after which the compatt automatically disables the external power.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.RelayOptions.ReceiveWaitTimeSec: The receive wait time in seconds used for each Sonardyne relay command.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.RelayOptions.TelemetryScheme: The telmetry scheme to use for each Sonardyne relay command.

TS Parameter Command Telemetry
0 100 bps
1 200 bps (default)
2 400 bps
3 900 bps
4 HDR 3000 bps
5 HDR 6000 bps
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 RPSKv1 600 bps

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.RetryOptions.MinimumQueryIntervalSec: The TMS load cell query scheduler will only retry a command if the load cell query interval is greater than or equal to this value in seconds. If the load-cell query interval is less than this value, then no retries are attempted for any failed commands.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.RetryOptions.CommandTimeoutSec: The number of seconds to wait for a response for any sent command. If the timeout is exceeded the current command is abandoned and queries continue on to the next command.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.RetryOptions.NumberOfRetries: The number of retries to attempt for each command if retries are enabled.

TensionMonitorOptions.LoadCellOptions.MdftOptions.ModemReset: Allows for the resetting of the local or remote instrument. This clears the contents of the modem buffer prior to the modem frame transfer.

Option Result
0 (None) None
1 (Local) Reset local modem
2 (Remote) Reset remote modem
3 (Both) Reset both modems


MotionSensorOptions.UdpReceivePort: The UDP on which to receive the real-time motion sensor output string.

UploadToBox: If set to true the TMS periodically uploads load cell tension and SMART data to a folder.

BoxFolderId: The box folder id to use when uploading files to

BoxUploadCronExpression: The cron express used to schedule the periodic upload of files to See Cron Expression for more details.

WorkingDir: The working folder where files are archived and stored for upload to

SmartInputDir: The input folder where the TMS is expecting to receive SMART binary files output from the Sonardyne SMART Monitor.

NOTE: Most changes to the appsettings.json file do not require a application restart to take affect.,

Web Interface

The TMS is controlled used an embedded web interface. By default the web interface is running on http port 5014.

All dynamic configuration and monitoring is performed using the web UI.



Compatt Configuration

Compatts are configured using the compatts page on the web application. The page view is shown below.


 Address: The compatt address.

 UID: The compatt UID formatted as a string without the UID prefix.

 Wakeup Tone: The compatt's wakeup tone.

 Relay: The compatt used as a relay to commicate with this compatt. If set to NONE then the compatt is communicted with directly without using a relay.

DELETE: Delete the selected compatt.

ADD ROW: Add a new compatt to the compatt collection.

UNDO: Undo the last edit operation.

REDO: Undo the last undo operation.

COMMIT: Commit all pending changes to the TMS service and database.

Load Cell Configuration


Name: The name used to identify the load cell.

 Address: The address of the load cell. Default value is 1.

 Output Name: The name of the load cell output to read.

 Query Interval (s): The interval at which to read the load cell tension value. Set to 0 or a negative number to disabled queries.

DELETE: Delete the selected load cell.

ADD ROW: Add a new load cell to the load cell collection.

UNDO: Undo the last edit operation.

REDO: Undo the last undo operation.

COMMIT: Commit all pending changes to the TMS service and database.

Load Cell Tension Data Chart

The current (latest) load cell tension values are displayed in the tension chart.



Load Cell Tension Data Grid

The current (latest) load cell tension values are displayed in the tension data grid.


 Load Cell Tension Data Time Series

The latest load cell tension values displayed as a time series. The user can select the number of hours to display.


SMART Data Grid

The latest SMART data. The user will need to select the SMART sensor by UID if more than one SMART sensor is supplying data to the TMS.


SMART Data Time Series

 The latest SMART data displayed as a time series. The user will need to select the SMART sensor by UID if more than one SMART sensor is supplying data to the TMS.mceclip2.png

Real-time Motion Time Series


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