- Connect to the LD8 using a Web browser
- Login to enable changing the configuration, note the password is the units SN
- Click the Configuration option to open the Configuration view shown below
- Select the Ports tab to display the Ports configuration view shown below
- Click the cog icon to the right of the ICOM port that is to be configured for UDP output
- In the ICOMn Configuration view
- For Protocol, select UDP
- For Domain, enter the IP address of the destination PC, i.e. the PC that is to receive the output
- For Port, enter the desired port (this defaults to 300n where n is the ICOM port number, recommend the default is used)
- Click Done
- Click Apply in the bottom right of the view (you may have to scroll down to see it)
- If successfully applied, a green bar will appear across the top of this view stating the change was successfully applied.
- Log out
- In NavView, add a NmeaInput device and configure the Device I/O for UDP, entering the port set above