
Configure Veripos LD8 For UDP Communications With NavView

  1. Connect to the LD8 using a Web browser
  2. Login to enable changing the configuration, note the password is the units SN
  3. Click the Configuration option to open the Configuration view shown below
  4. Select the Ports tab to display the Ports configuration view shown below
  5. Click the cog icon to the right of the ICOM port that is to be configured for UDP output
  6. In the ICOMn Configuration view
    • For Protocol, select UDP
    • For Domain, enter the IP address of the destination PC, i.e. the PC that is to receive the output
    • For Port, enter the desired port (this defaults to 300n where n is the ICOM port number, recommend the default is used)
    • Click Done
  7. Click Apply in the bottom right of the view (you may have to scroll down to see it)
  8. If successfully applied, a green bar will appear across the top of this view stating the change was successfully applied.
  9. Log out
  10. In NavView, add a NmeaInput device and configure the Device I/O for UDP, entering the port set above



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