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The Help Center is designed to provide a complete self-service support option for your customers. The Help Center is made up of two parts: a knowledge base and a community. Your customers can search for knowledge base articles to learn a task or search the community and ask fellow users questions. If your customers can't find an answer, they can submit a support request.

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    John Petterson


    We are having an issue bringing in the 2D DWG overlays in Connect.  We get the error "External component has thrown an exception." but no further explanation or error code.  We have tried several different versions of DWG, but all created with Autodesk Map.  However, we tried exporting blocks with no map info and they do not work either.  Sometimes the error will completely crash and shut down Connect when acknowledged, and sometimes it will not.  We have even tried both 32-bit and 64-bit exported files as this seems to be a Microsoft error related to the byte size.  The only file we can successfully load is an example manifold supplied in the Connect training.

    Have you seen this or know what might be causing it?


    Tim MacEwen

    C&C Technologies


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